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Pictures of dogs: Pictures of Dogs Dachshund (Longhaired) Breed Pictures and Informations

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pictures of Dogs Dachshund (Longhaired) Breed Pictures and Informations

This Dachshund is a Germany breed dog, which was very popular in America in the early 1900s after World War I. The breed of such type of dogs comes in three coat varieties: longhaired, smooth and wirehaired. The longhaired Dachshund dogs are having nice stylish hairs on both side of the face. It is a brave, protective, devoted and stubborn dog with immense love and care towards its master.
He bonds very closely to his/her owner and will follow you just about, and can sometimes be envious if your attention isn't on him. But Dachshund is fairly sociable, playful, funny, happy and humorous pet as well. He loves to be part of the whole lot and needs special attention from you. It sometimes behaves like snobbish and suspicious with strangers. This pet dog can gain weight quickly, so the caretaker should be careful about his feed and overfeed. As he is a medium-shedder, it may not be a good pet dog if you are concerned about dog-hairs in your house.

This pet is not good enough or friendly with younger children and better comfortable with older children. It can bite and snap when excited. This breed of dogs (Dachshunds) comes in two sizes: standard and miniature. The weight of a standard Dachshund is16 to 32 pounds and is 12 to 14 inches tall and the miniature size is 8 to 9 inches tall that weighs around 9 to 11 pounds. He has a soft and straight coat with medium length. The dog needs to be brushed occasionally or more often if it’s shedding bothers you more. In (AKC) American Kennel Club popularity parameter, Dachshund was 7th out of 157 breeds in 2007.

long-haired-dachshund.jpg Long hair image by goodpoopy

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