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Pictures of dogs: Facts about Dogs American Cocker Spaniel Breed Information and American Cocker Spaniel Puppies Pictures

Monday, August 2, 2010

Facts about Dogs American Cocker Spaniel Breed Information and American Cocker Spaniel Puppies Pictures

American Cocker Spaniel is the smallest breed of gun dogs and sport dogs. It is very much similar to English Spaniel In USA, it is often called as Cocker Spaniel whereas in Canada and other parts of the world, it is known by the specific name American Cocker Spaniel. The first Cocker Spaniel was bred in the United Kingdom and later on, it was developed in the United States. Although originally developed as gun dogs, American Cocker Spaniel is nowadays mostly used as companion dog or show dog and rarely used as gun dogs.

American Cocker Spaniel has a compact body with normal proportions, long silky fur on the body and ears that hangs down to legs and belly. Skull is round dome shaped with a well pronounced stop and square lip. Ears are long, furry, and low set and eyes are dark, rounded and large. The coat is silky and flat with different colors including solid black, black with tan points, solid buff, solid brown, silver, sable and double color or tri-color with different combinations.

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