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Pictures of dogs: Facts about Dogs Beagle Breed Information and Beagle Puppies Pictures

Monday, August 2, 2010

Facts about Dogs Beagle Breed Information and Beagle Puppies Pictures

Beagle or English Beagle is a breed of small to medium sized dogs and member of hound dogs. It is similar to foxhound but slightly smaller with shorter legs and longer ears. They are basically scent hounds that were bred for hunting hares, rabbits and other smaller games. With its acute sense of smell and tracking capabilities, Beagles are often used as detection dogs for detecting prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuff. Beagles have also appeared in comic books, culture and literature including television shows, Snoopy of the Comic Strip 'Peanuts' being the most famous Beagle of the World.

Beagle is a sturdy and hard small dog with squarely built body, slightly domed and longer skull, square muzzle and large eyes in brown or hazel color. Ears are low set, wide, and long. Nose is black and broad with full nostrils. The tail of Beagle is set moderately high but never curled. The coat is medium length, smooth and hard and comes in a wide range of colors including the most common tri-colored Beagles with large black spots and brown shading on the white body. Average weight of a Beagle is about 10 kg and the height is around 15 inches. Apart from being excellent scent hounds, Beagles are also loving, gentle, intelligent, sweet tempered and sociable and thereby making them suitable as pets and companion dogs.

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