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Pictures of dogs: Facts about Dogs Doberman Pinscher Breed Information and Doberman Pinscher Puppies Pictures

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Facts about Dogs Doberman Pinscher Breed Information and Doberman Pinscher Puppies Pictures

Doberman Pinscher is a medium sized squarely built breed of domestic dogs from Germany. Also known as DOberman, Dobe, Dobie, Doby, and Dobermann, the breed was developed by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann around 1890 in the German State of Thuringia. Doberman, one of the most common pet breeds of dogs, is an intelligent, alert and loyal companion dog. Dobermans were also used as Guard Dog or Police Dogs, which is not very common today. Due to its temperament and its frequent appearance in media, Dobermann is one of the most recognizable breeds of dogs.

Over a period with careful breeding and development, today's Doberman have a much better disposition with an energetic and lively appearance making them suitable as a companion dogs and family life. The head is long with a flat skull. The body is compact, athletic and masculine. Average weight of adult make Doberman is between 35-40 kg and the height is around 27-28 inches. They have a short coat that comes in many colors including black, brown, blue, fawn, and whitish cream. Doberman is a proud, watchful, obedient and intelligent breed of dogs with determined look.

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