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Pictures of dogs: Facts about Dogs Boston Terrier Breed Information and Boston Terrier Puppies Pictures

Friday, August 20, 2010

Facts about Dogs Boston Terrier Breed Information and Boston Terrier Puppies Pictures

Boston Terrier, also known as American Gentleman, or Boston Bull, is a breed of non sporting dogs from the United States. They are cross breed of Old English Bulldog and English White Terrier. Boston Terrier is a small and compact dog with short tail and erect ears and comes in black, brindle or seal colored smooth coat with white markings. They have a lifespan of 12-13 years and they are lively, highly intelligent, and friendly breed of dogs but could be stubborn sometimes.

Boston Terrier is a small yet compactly built dog with well proportioned ears, limbs, head, skull, and muzzle. Ideal weight of Boston Terrier should be between 10 and 25 pounds and the height should be between 15 to 17 inches at withers. They have strong and friendly personality and they are always eager to please the owners. Boston Terrier display an excellent expression of strength, determination and agility. Boston terrier is one of the best breeds of dogs for companionship and they also love the company of other pets around them.

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