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Pictures of dogs: December 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pictures of Dogs Afghan hound Pictures and Afghan Hound Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Afghan hound Pictures and Afghan Hound Breed Information

Afghan hound is an ancient sight hound breed of dog. Its origin lie in Afghanistan and it has nicknames of Baluchi, Baluchi Hound and Kabuli Hound. Regarded as a royal breed of dogs, Afghan hound has distinct thin, fine and silky coat. Overall, it looks like a tall and longhaired greyhound. Afghan hound possesses great speed and ability to cover long distances effortlessly like greyhound dogs. The breed has acquired its unique features in the cold mountains of Afghanistan. Afghan hound was used to hunt hares and gazelles by coursing the preys.

It has a long, naturally silky, finely textured and profuse coat that comes in many colors. Coat requires special care and attention for its proper maintenance. Its head is long and narrow and muzzle is tapered. Eyes are calm, intelligent, dark, prominent and triangular. Tail is long, thin and tapered. Ears are long and set across from the eyes. It weighs around 50-60 pounds and its height is about 24-30 inches. Afghan hound is considered as an aloof, dignified and relatively disobedient type of dog breed. It lives for about 12-13 years.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Pictures of Dogs Affenpinscher Pictures and Affenpinscher Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Affenpinscher Pictures and Affenpinscher Breed Information

Affenpinscher is a terrier like small breed or toy breed of dog. Its country of origin is Germany and it has a nickname of Monkey Dog. Despite being a toy breed, Affenpinscher, it is not a fragile dog. It has a stout and tough physical appearance. Although Affenpinscher is terrier-like but they have a very much different appearance.

Affenpinscher has a harsh, rough and a wiry coat that is shaggier than the head with shorter coat over the back and hindquarters. Color of coat comes in black, grey, silver, red, tan and a mixture of red, black and white. Its facial structure and expressions are very similar to a Monkey. Head is round and the muzzle is relatively small. Its nose is prominent and eyes are round, black, alert and always conspicuous. Ears are small and triangular shaped. It weighs around 7-9 pounds and its height is about 11 inches. Affenpinscher is a fun loving, adventurous, graceful, stubborn and playful breed of dogs. It has a lifespan of about 11 years.

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Pictures of Dogs Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Pictures and Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Pictures and Alpha Blue Blood Bulldog Breed Information

Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog or ABBB is well developed natural type of bulldog belonging to an American rare breed of dog. It was originally bred in Alapaha river region of Southern Georgia. Alapaha bulldog is one of the last remaining breeds that are typical of the original bulldogs from England that were used as plantation dogs. ABBB, also known as Otto, is a muscular, sturdy and more athletic and energetic than many other traditional bulldogs.

ABBB has a broad head, a prominent muzzle and natural drop ears. Eyes are bluish or brownish colored and very much prominent and set well apart. Coat is relatively short yet fairly stiff and comes in chocolate, white and different shades of black, grey, red, white and fawn. Overall, the body is sturdy, muscular with well-muscled hips. It weighs around 80-100 pounds and its height is 22-26 inches. Its life span is around 12-15 years. Alapaha is a trainable, dutiful and responsible breed of dogs and impressive capabilities as a guardian of family and property.

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Pictures of Dogs Akita Pictures and Akita Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Akita Pictures and Akita Breed Information

Akita, a powerful and majestic looking dog, is a large breed of dog with its origin in Japan. It is also known as Japanese Akita or Great Japanese Dog. Akita is quite uncommon in many countries and American Akita is a separate breed. It is famous due to it’s almost bear shaped head.

Outer coat is thick and waterproof that is suitable for fierce winters in Northern Japan. Undercoat is dense, straight and soft. Japanese Akita comes in five colors brindle, pure white, sesame, red and fawn. It has an alert and intelligent looking blunt wedge shaped head with dark and deep set eyes. Ears are triangular, wide and prickled. It has a broad and wide forehead with a strong looking and short muzzle. Black or brownish colored nose is well formed. Overall body is strong, muscular and powerful with thick legs and a deep body. Webbed toes make them excellent swimmers. Tail is tightly curved over the back. It weighs around 80-120 pounds and its height is about 24 inches. It has a life span of about 12-15 years. Akita is a loyal, docile, aloof, clean, intelligent and loyal dog and is excellent as a housedog.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pictures of Dogs Alaskan Klee Kai Pictures and Alaskan Klee Kai Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Alaskan Klee Kai Pictures and Alaskan Klee Kai Breed Information

Alaska Klee Kai is a northern breed of dog that was basically developed to create a companion type of Alaskan Husky. Klee Kai is also known as Mini Husky or Miniature Alaskan Husky although it resembles Siberian Husky. Alaskan Klee Kai, short AKK, is an energetic and dynamic apartment sized dog with an appearance that reflects northern heritage.

AKK has long, thick and usually white fur, pointed ears and muzzles, wedge shaped head, masked face, picked ears, solid black nose, medium and different shaped eyes and double coat. Klee Kai comes in four colors varieties Black and White, Gray and White, red, white, and solid white. AKK is highly agile, curious, swift and active type of dog breed. AKK is very alert and sensitive to any type of sound. Being extremely loyal, affectionate with the family, cautious and reserved with strangers, it is ideally suitable as a watchdog and as a family companion. Generally, its weight is around 22-25 pounds and height is about 16 inches. AKK has a life expectancy of about 14 years.

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Pictures of Dogs African Boerboel Pictures and African Boerboel Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs African Boerboel Pictures and African Boerboel Breed Information

African Boerboel is a large, muscular and working breed of dog from South Africa. Boerboel is an Afrikaans word that translates into farmer's dog. Known as South African Mastiff, it was bred for guarding homestead and farms. Boerboels are regarded as obedient and intelligent dogs with strong territorial instincts. By its very nature, if Boerboels are left alone without human companionship, they can become extremely destructive, reckless and dangerous.

African Boerboel has a very strong, large and square shaped head proportionate to the body and a medium thick muzzle. It has an immense power, strength and physical ability. It has a flat skull with high set, triangular and folded ears. Eyes are horizontal in orientation with a color that generally matches with the coat color. It has a black nose with well-developed nostrils. It weighs around 150-200 pounds and height is around 24-29 inches. It has a life expectancy of about 12 tears. African Boerboel is suitable as watchdogs.

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Pictures of Dogs Alaskan Malamute Pictures and Alaskan Malamute Breed Informations

Pictures of Dogs Alaskan Malamute Pictures and Alaskan Malamute Breed Informations

Alaskan Malamute is a large breed of domestic dog that was originally developed as Alaskan Sled dog. It is often mistaken as Siberian Husky. Alaskan Malamute is a highly energetic, intelligent and strong arctic dog and favorite as a family pet. Its nickname is mal and its origin is in Alaska, USA.

Alaskan Malamute comes with a thick and coarse double coat. It has a plumed tail held over back, erect ears and small and dark almond shaped eyes. It is a well-built dog, with solid body and wide head. Coat averages from one to three inch and comes in white, black and white, wolf gray, red and often dark colors. It weighs around 75-85 pounds and its height is about 24-25 inches. Alaskan Malamute has a life expectancy of about 12-15 years. They are sweet, affectionate and highly loyal to their masters. They love outdoor activities and need strong physical exercise. Some of the Alaskan Malamute are used as Sled Dog for personal travel or freight hauling. Some of the malamutes are also used in winter sports like mushing, skijoring, bikejoring and canicross.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pictures of Dogs Akbash Dog Pictures and Akbash Dog Breed Information

Pictures of Dogs Akbash Dog Pictures and Akbash Dog Breed Information

Akbash Dog is a large dog from western Turkey in the region known as Akbash. Akbash is a Turkish word that translates into white head. Akbash is a powerful dog with noble bearing and white feathery coat. They are primarily used as livestock guarding dogs. Although Akbash is often referred to as sheep dog but it is never used to herd its charges, rather it is meant to be used with the flock as a guardian. It possesses the characteristics of Mastiff as well as Sight Hound dogs.

There are two varieties of Akbash longhaired, which are better for cold regions and shorthaired, which are suitable for warmer climate. Coat is soft, wavy and coarse on the outside and with finely textured hairs on the undercoat and it invariably comes in white color. It has a blunt and large skull with long legs, V-Shaped ears, long feathered and curved tail and gentle brown eyes. Akbash weigh around 90-130 pounds. It has a height of about 32 inches. Its life expectancy is about 10-11 years. Akbash dogs are suitable as guard dogs or companion dogs if trained suitably.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Pictures of Dogs Airedale Terrier Pictures and Airedale Terrier Breed Informations

Pictures of Dogs Airedale Terrier Pictures and Airedale Terrier Breed Informations

Airedale Terrier or Waterside Terrier is a Terrier breed of dogs from Airedale, which is a small geographical area in Yorkshire, England. It was not until the creation of Black Russian Terrier by KGB in Russia; Airedale was known as the King of Terrier because it was the largest of the entire Terrier breed. Its name Waterside Terrier was derived due to its use as the hunter of otters in the valleys of the river Aire that runs through Airedale. In England, it is often used as a Police Dog.

Airedale has a broken coat with hard, dense, stiff and wiry outer coat and shorter and softer under coat. Coat comes in black saddle or grizzle saddle color. Its head is carried high and erect on the neck. Its ears are triangular and proportionate to the head and folded at the top of the skull. Eyes are typical terrier-like, dark in color, small and intelligent. It weighs around 50-70 pounds and has a height of about 24 inches. Its life span is around 12 years. Airedales are intelligent, strong minded, stubborn, and independent and can be used as a working dog or hunter dog.

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