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Pictures of dogs: September 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Facts about Dogs Dalmatian Breed Information and Dalmatian Puppies Pictures

Dalmatian is a large, strong and muscular breed of dogs from Dalmatia, Croatia who is renowned for its white coat with black or brown spots. Dalmatians are also known by few other names such as Carriage Dogs, Firehouse Dogs, Plum Pudding Dogs, and Spotted Coach Dogs. The skull is almost as wide as it is long and flat on the top. Muzzle and skull are of the same length. The eyes are medium round in brown or blue color. Ears are high-set, hanging down and gradually taper to a rounded tip. The feet are round with arched toes. The overall appearance is a well-built, and elegant.

Dalmatians have a short, fine and dense coat and the most common colors of coats are white with black or brown spots. They weight around 35-70 pounds and their height is about 19-24 inches. Dalmatian is one of the most loyal and active breeds of dogs. They easily mix with other pets including horses and make an excellent companion dog especially for families that have different pets at their homes. They love affection indoors but like to go out on walk or run with the owners. Being an active type of dog, Dalmatian should not be left along for longer periods. Apart from its companionship qualities, Dalmatian can also make an excellent rescue dog or athletic partner.

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Facts about Dogs Doberman Pinscher Breed Information and Doberman Pinscher Puppies Pictures

Doberman Pinscher is a medium sized squarely built breed of domestic dogs from Germany. Also known as DOberman, Dobe, Dobie, Doby, and Dobermann, the breed was developed by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann around 1890 in the German State of Thuringia. Doberman, one of the most common pet breeds of dogs, is an intelligent, alert and loyal companion dog. Dobermans were also used as Guard Dog or Police Dogs, which is not very common today. Due to its temperament and its frequent appearance in media, Dobermann is one of the most recognizable breeds of dogs.

Over a period with careful breeding and development, today's Doberman have a much better disposition with an energetic and lively appearance making them suitable as a companion dogs and family life. The head is long with a flat skull. The body is compact, athletic and masculine. Average weight of adult make Doberman is between 35-40 kg and the height is around 27-28 inches. They have a short coat that comes in many colors including black, brown, blue, fawn, and whitish cream. Doberman is a proud, watchful, obedient and intelligent breed of dogs with determined look.

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Facts about Dogs Chow Chow Breed Information and Chow Chow Puppies Pictures

Chow Chow is a large stocky do that has originated in Mongolia sometimes about 4000 years ago ad later on introduced in China where they are known as SONGSHI QUAN, which means "Puffy-Lion-Dog". Like Chinese Shar-Pei, Chow Chow also have a bluish black tongue and another distinctive feature is the hind legs that are almost straight. Head is large and broad with flat muzzle and muzzle is broad and deep.

With a huge ruff behind the head, the dog gets a lion-like appearance. Nose is black colored with wide open nostrils. Ears are erect and triangularly shaped. Eyes are deep-set, dark in color and almond shaped. Chest is broad and deep. Tail is high-set and carried close to the back. They have a dense and furry coat that comes in two varieties smooth and rough. The coat comes in light gold to deep red-brown, light tan to brown cinnamon, dark blue to gray blue, black and cream. Weight of adult male Chow Chow is 55-70 pounds and the height is 18-22 inches. The average lifespan of Chow Chow is 9-15 years.

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Facts about Dogs Chinese Shar-Pei Breed Information and Chinese Shar-Pei Puppies Pictures

Chinese Shar-Pei or Shar-Pei is known for its distinctive features such as deep wrinkles and bluish black tongue. The name Chinese Shar-Pei is derived from the British equivalent of the term Cantonese. Chinese Shar-Pei were named by Guinness Book of World Records and Time Magazine as one of the rarest breeds of dogs throughout the world. Often known as Chinese Fighting Dog, Chinese Shar-Pei has a short and rough texture and sand color skin. The distinctive wrinkles are more visible in the puppies, which disappear, rather become skin, as the puppies become adult.

Shar-Pei is a large dog with square profile and a broad and flat head. They have a wide, padded and full muzzle with a slightly moderate stop. Eyes are small, sunken and dark colored and ears are small, high-set and triangularly shaped. They have thick tail that is set extremely high and with a tapering to fine point. Chinese Shar-Pei come in three varieties of coats: Horse Coat, Brush Coat and Bear-Coat, which is rare. Horse coat is rough and extremely prickly. Coat colors come in all the solid colors and sables. Shar-Pei is an intelligent, playful, active and brave breed of dogs. They easily blend with the strangers and they can be delightful companions as well as watchdogs.

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Facts about Dogs Chihuahua Breed Information and Chihuahua Puppies Pictures

Chihuahua is the smallest breeds of dogs that has been named after Chihuahua State in North Western Mexico where they were first discovered. Chihuahua is also known as 'New Yorker' in Mexico. As far as the origins and history of Chihuahua is concerned, there are many contrasting theories and studies but it is also known that Chihuahua were used in sacred ceremonies in the Pre-Columbian Indian Nations.

Chihuahua is a tiny, toy sized dog with body longer than its height, well rounded head, and short muzzle with a well defined stop. Eyes are large and round that are set well apart and in dark ruby color. Ears are large and erect. Tail is long and curled over back. Coat comes in short or long and wavy, flat and it comes in different colors including black, white, chestnut, fawn, sand, silver, sable, steel blue and black and tan. Chihuahua is one of the best among the companion dogs. They are courageous, lively, proud and enjoy affection. With proper training and companion, they can also become strong willed and brave.

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