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Pictures of dogs: August 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Facts about Dogs Boston Terrier Breed Information and Boston Terrier Puppies Pictures

Boston Terrier, also known as American Gentleman, or Boston Bull, is a breed of non sporting dogs from the United States. They are cross breed of Old English Bulldog and English White Terrier. Boston Terrier is a small and compact dog with short tail and erect ears and comes in black, brindle or seal colored smooth coat with white markings. They have a lifespan of 12-13 years and they are lively, highly intelligent, and friendly breed of dogs but could be stubborn sometimes.

Boston Terrier is a small yet compactly built dog with well proportioned ears, limbs, head, skull, and muzzle. Ideal weight of Boston Terrier should be between 10 and 25 pounds and the height should be between 15 to 17 inches at withers. They have strong and friendly personality and they are always eager to please the owners. Boston Terrier display an excellent expression of strength, determination and agility. Boston terrier is one of the best breeds of dogs for companionship and they also love the company of other pets around them.

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Facts about Dogs Beagle Breed Information and Beagle Puppies Pictures

Beagle or English Beagle is a breed of small to medium sized dogs and member of hound dogs. It is similar to foxhound but slightly smaller with shorter legs and longer ears. They are basically scent hounds that were bred for hunting hares, rabbits and other smaller games. With its acute sense of smell and tracking capabilities, Beagles are often used as detection dogs for detecting prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuff. Beagles have also appeared in comic books, culture and literature including television shows, Snoopy of the Comic Strip 'Peanuts' being the most famous Beagle of the World.

Beagle is a sturdy and hard small dog with squarely built body, slightly domed and longer skull, square muzzle and large eyes in brown or hazel color. Ears are low set, wide, and long. Nose is black and broad with full nostrils. The tail of Beagle is set moderately high but never curled. The coat is medium length, smooth and hard and comes in a wide range of colors including the most common tri-colored Beagles with large black spots and brown shading on the white body. Average weight of a Beagle is about 10 kg and the height is around 15 inches. Apart from being excellent scent hounds, Beagles are also loving, gentle, intelligent, sweet tempered and sociable and thereby making them suitable as pets and companion dogs.

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Facts about Dogs Basset Hound Breed Information and Basset Hound Puppies Pictures

Basset Hound is a dog breed from France that is popular due to its short legs. Basset is a scent hound and it is bred for hunting rabbits by scent. They have an excellent sense of scent next only to the bloodhounds. Although short-legged but Basset Hound is a relatively heavy dog with large head and rounded skull. Basset Hound is a sweet tempered dog with affectionate, friendly and loving nature with human beings. With its acute sense of smell and short stature, Basset Hound is suitable for hunting small games such as rabbits.

Basset Hound has a deep and heavy muzzle with soft brown eyes, dark pigmented lips, loose elastic skin, low set and velvet colored ears that hang towards the ground and deep chest that extends in front of the legs. The tail is slightly curved and erect while walking. Feet are massive and heavy and limbs are short and powerful. Average weight of a Basset Hound is between 24-30 kg and height is 12-15 inches. Average lifespan of Basset Hound is 12 years. Generally, the bassets are tri-colored with black, white and tan and red spots on its white fur.

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Facts about Dogs Australian Shepherd Breed Information and Australian Shepherd Puppies Pictures

Australian Shepherd or Aussie, is a medium sized herding dog has been developed in the ranches of Western United States and not in Australia, as the name might misguide. The name in fact seems to have come from the association with Australian Basque Sheepherders that migrated from Australia to the United States. Aussies shot to fame after WWII due to rodeos, horse shows, and Disney Movies made for television.

Aussie is a robust, well balanced and rustic dog with slightly wavy double coat of moderate length. Outer coat is weather resistant and undercoat is smooth and soft. The coat comes in black, red, silver, and blue colors with copper or white markings on chest, face and legs. Average weight of Australian Shepherd is between 25 to 30 kg and height is about 22 inches. The temperament is outgoing and friendly but Aussie remains like puppies even in the adult age. They are a good watchdog and go well with children due to their affectionate and loving nature. With humans, Australian Shepherd is very soft and friendly but when it comes to sheep herding, it is quite aggressive and does the job of watching the herds nicely.

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Facts about Dogs American Cocker Spaniel Breed Information and American Cocker Spaniel Puppies Pictures

American Cocker Spaniel is the smallest breed of gun dogs and sport dogs. It is very much similar to English Spaniel In USA, it is often called as Cocker Spaniel whereas in Canada and other parts of the world, it is known by the specific name American Cocker Spaniel. The first Cocker Spaniel was bred in the United Kingdom and later on, it was developed in the United States. Although originally developed as gun dogs, American Cocker Spaniel is nowadays mostly used as companion dog or show dog and rarely used as gun dogs.

American Cocker Spaniel has a compact body with normal proportions, long silky fur on the body and ears that hangs down to legs and belly. Skull is round dome shaped with a well pronounced stop and square lip. Ears are long, furry, and low set and eyes are dark, rounded and large. The coat is silky and flat with different colors including solid black, black with tan points, solid buff, solid brown, silver, sable and double color or tri-color with different combinations.

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Facts about Dogs Alaskan Malamute Breed Information and Alaskan Malamute Puppies Pictures

Alaskan Malamute, the largest of the Arctic Dogs, is a breed of domestic dogs from Alaska, United States. Alaskan Malamute is quite different from the Siberian Husky bit often it is mistaken as Siberian Husky. Originally bred as Sled Dog, Alaskan Malamute is not also popular as pet and companion dog. Alaskan Malamute is an intelligent, loyal, affectionate and friendly dog that love to be happier with outdoor lives though not suitable as guard dogs.

Alaskan Malamute is well build dog with wide and erect head, plumed tail, small, dark brown almond shaped eyes, and slightly oblique skull. The coat is thick double with soft and plush undercoat. Alaskan Malamute comes in many colors including grey, sable, black, and all white or white with red, among others. Weight of male Alaskan Malamute is 35-45 kg and height is around 25 inches. Average lifespan of Alaskan Malamute is 14 years. In Alaska, they are used as sled dogs for personal travel, hauling freight, or moving heavy objects over greater heights.

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